Author G. S. Kenney (Ginger) writes speculative fiction–science-fiction novels that are also romances. She is a 2018 finalist in the RWA Golden Heart® contest.
Her novel Freeing Eden was published in May, 2019 by Soul Mate Publishing, and may be ordered at Amazon.com. Its sequel (which may also be read as a stand-alone novel) The Last Lord of Eden, also from Soul Mate Publishing, is also available at Amazon.com.
In addition to writing fiction, Ginger consults as a writer and editor in fields as diverse as higher education, planning and design, sustainability, computers and software, and psychology. She worked with the talented musician Steven Hancoff on a remarkable multimedia project focused on Johann Sebastian Bach’s life and his Suites for Cello Solo.
She is coauthor of the seminal book on campus planning, Mission and Place: Strengthening Learning and Community through Campus Design (Rowman & Littlefield: 2005) and of “Planning Principles for a Sustainable Campus”, a chapter in the book Campus Design + Planning: Culture, Context and the Pursuit of Sustainability (Canadian Green Building Council: 2008).
Ginger travels frequently, along with her husband, the love of her life. Her travelogues and photography may be seen on her blog and her Facebook profile @gskenneyauthor. When not “on the road,” they reside in Marin County, California, which might be pretty close to paradise on earth, complete with their very own orchard of citrus trees. They have two children, a grand-dog, and two grand-cats. And a baby grandson, their first.